Category: page builder

  • How to start a food blog and Earn Money 2022

    How to start a food blog and Earn Money 2022

    Hey, Do want to start a food blogging and Earn Money! Yes, friends you can start food blogging and Make Money Easily.

                Whenever you want to start blogging you should have good knowledge about your niche. Niche means Topic about which you want to write a blog. So, In food blogging there are other many topics are available for example eating food than reviewing about it, writing recipe of foods and taking picture of food. Now I don’t waste your time and tell steps involved for blogging.

                If you have money and doesn’t want to waste your energy in technical thing just hire web designer for your information I am professional web designer and designed website for many Restaurants.

             Contact us at Email:

                     But you want to do it yourself than I will tell you easiest way possible to start your own food blog without any trouble. Following are most simple & basic steps which you need to follow to start website of food blogging.

    1. Purchasing web hosting and Domain name

    First I will tell you what is hosting and domain in simple word Hosting is like your space where you keep your stuffs or maybe you think it as your digital store. Now about your domain it is like your store name.

    For Hosting I am referring you Hostinger Because I found it more reliable, affordable and value for money Hosting. So at starting you click link below it will take you to Hostinger website.

    Here is a Great Offer for You, Get 80% off on web Hosting and Free Domain Save Now…

    Now you are watching Hostinger plans choose premium web hosting you may ask why to choose Hostinger & that to premium web hosting answer is simple.

    Hostinger is most affordable and about premium web hosting it will give free domain & many more services free of cost. You may be wondering why it is in rupees in below pic don’t worry it will change according to your country that means it will convert in dollars & euros etc.  

    1. 2. Choose the Duration of Hosting

    Next step is to choose duration of your hosting that means for how many months you want web hosting usually if you choose for one month it will be high but if you take for 12 months.

    you will get discount and same goes for 24 months. If you ask me choose 12 months. Also take secure your website with Daily Backups.

    3.Enter the Domain Name [Get Free]

    Now you may be asking where you can choose name of your website/ Domain Name just scroll down in the same page of Hostinger you can see page available below will be appear which show about free domain.

    You may have some name for your domain like your niche related names which you can use just type them here let me tell you some tips about choosing domain name it should be memorable & short should end with .com so people from all over world can see it.  

    Whenever you are choosing Domain you can consider your name, your favourite food items, your favourite spices name many more thinks which you like but it should be easy to remember & easy to spell.

    Next step is adding payment details and check out.

    There is another beautiful option which 30 days Money Back Guarantee you heard it right if you don’t like Hosting service just you can ask for refund within 30 days of your hosting started Hostinger will return money. 

    • 4. Install WordPress

    Once you done with the Payment. Go to Your Product Dashboard. Click on C-panel. Install WordPress. WordPress is open source software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app. Beautiful designs, powerful features and many more.

    You may be wondering what is this WordPress? Let me tell you it is tool which help you to create your website in easy way. Before WordPress people use to do coding to create website but you are lucky to have WordPress.

    WordPress websites are very popular now days everyone using WordPress website because you can create beautiful website without even single code. Login to your Hostinger account you will see dash board install the WordPress there.

    • 5.Use page Builder (Thrive Architect)

    Thrive Architect has a Pre built Template for food Bloggers and Customize your website Beautifully. I have Used thrive architect for Home Page and to Collect Emails. I have also used for Creating Landing Pages.

    Now website must look beautiful so you required themes for which you visit below link that will take you to Thrive Architect the #1-page builder in market with affordable price range which even have free trial believe me you will love it.

    Thrive Architect have many themes which is useful for all type of bloggers you will find also find themes related to your food blogging. It has free trial you can use it for some time and when you like it just take premium service.

    • 6.Link your website to Google tools.

    You can Create new google account and email(Gmail) address for your blog. But there is another free email is available which is provided by Hostinger you can also use that because it looks professional.

    Now back to topic about google tools I am using many tools but it will complicate you I will tell you two simple tools which are easy & very helpful.

    Google Analytics it is very useful tool which help you to track website traffic means how many people visited website. Install it in your Yoast SEO plugin settings.

    Google Search Console it makes sure your website is up and running. Install it your yoast SEO plugin settings.

    • WordPress plugin install

    There are plenty of plugins available which makes your blogging experience amazing and easy go. You may wonder about installing plugin just open your WordPress dashboard look for plugin and click on add new plugin than search for following plugin & than install it.

    Go to the Dashboard of the wordpress and Add these below Plugins:

    Akismet it removes spam comments that too without CAPTCHA.

    jQuery Pin It Button For Images it Pin it button for pin your picture the visitor will pin it when hovering on it.

    Share Buttons of some sort it is for social media bookmarking plugins for example Facebook like button.

    Subscribe To Comments Reloaded it is used for replying the comments by your mail.

    Yoast SEO SEO is big topic it is help for your basics use google analytics & google search console.

    7. Congratulation, Now Start blogging

    Now you are ready for blogging congratulations. If you have any query just ask us.            

    How to make money by food blogging?

                The ultimate goal of any blogger is to earn money right I will tell you some of steps which will give little idea about how to make money.

                Affiliate marketing, is best traditional methods are time taking so the best way to earn by blogging is by affiliate marketing there are many affiliates available.

                Online grocery shopping, there are some online sites which give you commission for selling their groceries so whenever writing about food recipes just add link of their websites people purchase through your link you will get good commission.

                Some online healthy, vegan or organic food apps which will also give commission for logins and some time for purchasing and all.

                You can give cooking lessons, yes you heard it right many people in world don’t know even how boil water jokes apart there are people who have habit of learning new recipes they will ask for cooking lessons if your food looks delicious and unique.

                Sponsored content or Partnerships, it is best and amazing way to earn money while you are writing about food recipes & adding food photos you can put some sponsors name in it. So the question is who are these sponsors and how to get them?

    sponsors maybe restaurants owners, companies which make spices, even cookware companies many more people are available for sponsorship. Now the tricky part how to approach them just search in google and put email or visit them personally if you can.

                Food photography, you may wonder how can you earn with the photo of food “Everything is on sale you must know how to sell it” food photos can be sold for some bucks I know it can’t be your main income whenever writing your food blogging try to put beautiful picture which were taken by you.

                Food magazines, there are many amazing food magazines which give you commission for sale you just promote them on your food blog people will purchase that you will get commission for their purchase.

                Cookbook sale, it is same way as food magazines sell it and get commission.                 

                 Farm foods, some local farmer who has best quality meat or eggs I.e. farm food you can promote his food items he may give good commission.

                Still worried about sales than just go to some affiliate provider he will give you affiliate. Who is this affiliate provider? In online market everything is available you just need to find that I will make it easy for you.

    Share a sale, Commission junction (CJ Affiliates) & many more are available you may be wonder why I told only these two because I am using these two from long time and their services are amazing just apply for their affiliate and search for food blogging related affiliates in their websites you will get many affiliate links.

                Friendly advice, Don’t apply for affiliate until your website get some traffic and you are capable of creating sales. While applying for an affiliate you check about their product which you want sell than think you can promote it or not then apply.

    How to do SEO for Food Food Blogging?

    People say, “Not getting traffic than make SEO” than what is SEO Search Engine Optimization it will help to increase traffic to your website. It is really big topic I got easy way to do it just use SEO tool SEMrush #1 best SEO tool of 2020 which was used by 30% of fortune 500 companies. Try SEMrush for free trial by clicking my link.     

    ALL THE BEST              


    Do food bloggers make money?

    yes, food bloggers do make money. If you read my above article correctly, you will know how to start food blogging & earn money.

    How much do food bloggers earn?

    If you ask me in global level people are making around $25000 to $100000 per month and in India 6000 to 2000000. You may be in shock by reading about amount they are making by just food blogging in starting 8-12 months you won’t get anything this much amount is earned by professional bloggers (more than 1 year)  

    Who is the best Food blogger?

    Lindsay and Bjork $90000+/month there are many people who earn more than that but they didn’t reveal earning. India have many food bloggers but there is no particular information who is best or highest earner because many YouTuber who have food channel have many followers.     

    How do I start food blogging?

    It involves simple steps I have explained it in this above article about how to start blog & how to earn from it.          

    Should I start a food blog?

    Yes, Ofcoarse Food Blogging you should start food blogging right now. Even you can Earn Money.

    Why do people like food blogs?

    People are very much interested in the delicious foods, You can start writing receipe, reviews, Benefits etc which people like it. Start your food blogging Journey right Now.