Hi Guys, do you know logo is very Important for Your Business. If you don’t know then Check out Here.
Do you know Nike paid only $35 USD for its swoosh logo & same thing goes for twitter it gave only $15 USD but now their brand value is so high and the logo become their identity. There are many big brands & their logos costs in millions and they hardly spend any money on making logo.
But, few companies like Accenture, Pepsi, BBC spend in millions to make logo. So now you may be thinking why am I telling you all this, it’s just for awareness. you may also be thinking that, why I need logo I am not such a big businessman my answer for this is all business starts as a small for example Nike was a small start-up now it’s billion-dollar company.
9 Reasons why you should make logo for your business.
1.Attracts the Customers.

To be frank many people get attracted when you have a logo because logo always looks amazing and attractive over anything written or name tag. If you are starting a business means you want sell something and for that you need customers right.
so to attract customers you must show that you are on business to do so you will put hoardings, run ads & create website many more to do all that you need to show your name or logo and as I told your logo attract more customers.
2. Professionalism.

As I was telling you that logo attract more customers. Now you can ask why it attract more customers the answer is simple the logo looks professional yes you heard it right logo makes you brand and professional.
That’s why if you are seriously want do business than you should be professional in all possible way. The professionalism is very important for a business that’s why I have seen many people whenever they are starting a business they hire logo designer first.
3.First impression is best impression.

When someone visit your website he will be looking at your website name imagine if there is a logo besides it then the impact on visitor or the impression on him about you will be so positive. So your first impression on him is positive than he will be your long term customer.
4.Looks authenticated.

If you have product or something and if there is a logo on it that will look like trusted item. The logo makes it more trust worthy and authenticated rather non-logo items so to sell more you need to look trust worthy and authenticated.
5.Make you unique among competitors.

Imagine if you are selling shoes without any logo that makes you common shoe seller so if someone else also selling shoes than customers cannot differentiate between your product and your competitor product so to be unique you must put a logo.
6.Customers expect it.

Usually customers expect a logo because whenever someone purchasing something that person want feel that he purchased something trust worthy product or unique product.
7.Build customers trust & loyalty.

If you sold something and one of your customer is so impressed by your product that he wants to refer somebody but without logo how can he refer somebody so to show his loyalty you must have a logo.
And to build customers loyalty if you are communicating with them than logo plays important role it doesn’t required much attention to understand unlike names. For example, if you send message or email to your customer than by logo he will understand that it’s you.
8. It will be your identity.

After certain time your logo become your identity as I was speaking early to refer someone or to contact the logo helps. Imagine if you send an email to your customers and people usually doesn’t spend much time on reading mail they just scroll fast but if your logo is there instead of your mail id it will catch customers eye easily.
9.Consistency & Responsibility.

You may ask how come a small logo make you consistent & responsible let me tell you, when you create a logo it will make your business look like a professional due to that people started trusting you. The trust of a people will give you positive energy that makes you responsible and consistence businessman.
We are here to Help You. we help the people to create Professional logo.
Logo is first presentation of your website or business so mainly logo makes psychological impact on customer. The logo size and shape also affect psychology of customer which tells about website & business.
Small business can’t promote enough so they should use all means of promotion tactics and logo is one of the promotion method. And some businesses use logo which represent their business and also tells about themselves. Also for a small businesses logo is identity and that identity can sell your product & brand very fast way. Logo can attract customer’s logo makes really good first impression.
Yes, logos matter. Your website or logo is not your brand but it represents you means it showcase you. Logo will be present on your product, your website, your Facebook & Instagram account, your business cards and not but least in your customer’s mind. Logo tells about you and your business.
People get attracted when you have a logo because logo always looks amazing and attractive over anything else. If you are starting a business means you want sell something and for that you need customers right, so to attract customers you must show that you are on business to do so you will put hoardings, run ads & create website many more to do all that you need to show your name or logo and as I told your logo attract more customers.
1.It should be simple.
2.Logo must not get old with time.
3.Logo should tell about business or website.
4.It should be unique.
5.It should be unforgettable.
If logo is too much confusing, too much bright without proper contest. If logo is not match the brand & doesn’t makes proper sense. Logo is time bound which means it get old with a time than its bad logo.
Good logo is nothing but which represents their business & helps to grow their business. Good logo should be simple to understand with uniqueness in it which means not copied or identical to competitors. The simple logo also make it unforgettable because we have to make sure people should remember it that’s also sign of good logo.